Cancer Terms

12 Lead Placement Mason Likar

Cancer Terms -> Conceptual Entities -> EKG Concept -> Lead Placement -> 12 Lead Placement Mason Likar

12 Lead Placement Mason Likar Definition

An electrocardiogram (ECG) lead placement whereby 12 leadpoints are recorded but the standard lead positions have been modified for ECG recording during exercise. Exercise stress testing requires moving the limb electrodes to more central positions on the thorax. The electrodes are placed in bony prominences close to the bases of the respective limbs in order to avoid skeletal muscle artifact, provide stability for recording electrodes and to record waveforms similar to the standard limb sites.

12 Lead Placement Mason Likar Synonyms

12 Lead Placement Mason Likar, 12 LEAD MASON LIKAR, 12 Lead Mason Likar

Terms in 12 Lead Placement Mason Likar category

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