Cancer Terms

129 Mouse

Cancer Terms -> Organisms -> Animal -> Vertebrate -> Mammal -> Rodent -> Muridae -> Mouse -> Mouse Strains -> Inbred Mouse -> 129 Mouse

129 Mouse Definition

Inbr and colour depends on substrain (see below). Origin: Dunn 1928 from crosses of coat colour stocks from English fanciers and a chinchilla stock from Castle. This strain has a common origin with strain 101. Most substrains carry the white-bellied agouti gene AW though only a subset have the agouti pattern as many carry albino or chinchilla and/or the pink-eyed dilution gene, p, which is derived from Asian mice of the Mus musculus type (see also strains SJL, P/J and FS/Ei). (Jackson Labs/Festing)

129 Mouse Synonyms

129 Mouse, 129

Terms in 129 Mouse category

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