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Miscellaneous Biologic Response Modifier -> 714-X
714-X Definition
A product elaborated and marketed by the private Canadian laboratory. 714-X contains trimethylbicyclonitraminoheptane chloride, a nitrogenated camphor-derivative, and mineral salts in ethanol. It is claimed to cure cancer, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, AIDS and other diseases by improving the body's immune function. Few inconclusive animal studies and no human trials were conducted with the product. There is no scientific evidence that 714-X is effective in treating any type of disease. It has not been proven to be safe or effective for any use. 714-X is banned by FDA for use in the USA. In Canada 714-X is legally available on compassionate grounds only through a licensed physician.
714-X Synonyms
714-X, Trimethylbicyclonitraminoheptane Chloride
Terms in 714-X category
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