Cancer Terms

Agent Affecting Nervous System

Cancer Terms -> Drugs and Chemicals -> Pharmacologic Substance -> Agent Affecting Nervous System

Agent Affecting Nervous System Definition

An agent that exerts a physiologic effect on neurotransmission or on any anatomic entity that is part of the nervous system, including the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS).

Agent Affecting Nervous System Synonyms

Agent Affecting Nervous System

Terms in Agent Affecting Nervous System category

Adrenergic Agent
Analgesic Agent
Anesthetic Agent
Anticholinergic Agent
Anticonvulsant Agent
Antidepressant Agent
Antiemetic Agent
Antiparkinsonian Agent
Antipsychotic Agent
Antispasmotic Agent
CNS Stimulant
Cholinergic Agonist
Dopamine Agonist
Dopamine Antagonist
Opiate Antagonist
Opioid Receptor Agonist
Pralidoxime Chloride
Sedative and Hypnotic
Serotonin Agonist
Serotonin Antagonist

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