Cancer Terms

Allogeneic CD4 Specific Memory Th1-Like T Cell

Cancer Terms -> Drugs and Chemicals -> Pharmacologic Substance -> Biological Agent -> Allogeneic CD4 Specific Memory Th1-Like T Cell

Allogeneic CD4 Specific Memory Th1-Like T Cell Definition

A preparation consisting of allogeneic, differentiated Th1-like T cells bound to T cell-stimulating monoclonal antibodies with potential antitumor activity. More specifically, allogeneic CD4+ memory Th1-like T cells/microparticle-bound anti-CD3/anti-CD28 are composed of a proprietary preparation of mismatched, allogeneic differentiated CD4+ memory Th1-like T cells bound to paramagnetic, epoxy-covered 4.5 micron microparticles with covalently bound anti-CD3/anti-CD28 monoclonal antibodies at a 2:1 bead:cell ratio. The CD4+ memory Th1-like T cells are derived from precursors found in the circulation of a normal donor. Stimulated by the microparticle-bound monoclonal antibodies, the infused T cells produce pro-inflammatory, anti-tumor cytokines such as like IFN-gamma, TNF-beta, and IL-2, disabling tumor immune avoidance mechanisms and stimulating the host immune system to both reject the infused T cells and kill tumor cells.

Allogeneic CD4 Specific Memory Th1-Like T Cell Synonyms

Allogeneic CD4+ Memory Th1-like T Cells/Microparticle-bound Anti-CD3/anti-CD28

Terms in Allogeneic CD4 Specific Memory Th1-Like T Cell category

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