Arnebia Indigo Jade Pearl Topical Cream
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Arnebia Indigo Jade Pearl Topical Cream Definition
A proprietary multiherbal topical cream based on Chinese herbal medicine with potential antineoplastic, antiviral, antibacterial and immunostimulatory activities. Arnebia Indigo Jade Pearl topical cream contains 12 ingredients including 9 herbs infused in sesame oil, with an additional three powdered ingredients and beeswax added to the infused oil to create the salve. The purported mechanism(s) of action is unclear due to the complexity of the herbal mixture.
Arnebia Indigo Jade Pearl Topical Cream Synonyms
Arnebia Indigo Jade Pearl Topical Cream, AIJP
Terms in Arnebia Indigo Jade Pearl Topical Cream category
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