Cancer Terms

Beta-D-Glucopyranose Monohydrate

Cancer Terms -> Drugs and Chemicals -> Drugs and Chemicals Structural Classification -> Organic Chemical -> Carbohydrate -> Beta-D-Glucopyranose Monohydrate

Beta-D-Glucopyranose Monohydrate Definition

The monohydrate form of the beta isoform of D-glucopyranose, a synthetic simple monosaccharide as an energy source. D-glucopyranose is oxidized in various tissues either under aerobic or anaerobic conditions through glycolysis, and the oxidation reaction produces carbon dioxide, water and ATP.

Beta-D-Glucopyranose Monohydrate Synonyms

Beta-D-Glucopyranose Monohydrate, .BETA.-D-GLUCOPYRANOSE, MONOHYDRATE

Terms in Beta-D-Glucopyranose Monohydrate category

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