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Specimen -> Biospecimen
Biospecimen Definition
Any material sample taken from a biological entity for testing, diagnostic, propagation, treatment or research purposes, including a sample obtained from a living organism or taken from the biological object after halting of all its life functions. Biospecimen can contain one or more components including but not limited to cellular molecules, cells, tissues, organs, body fluids, embryos, and body excretory products.
Biospecimen Synonyms
Biospecimen, Bio-Specimen, Biological Sample, Biological Specimen, Sample, Specimen
Terms in Biospecimen category
Abdominal FluidAspirateBiopsy SpecimenBlocksBlood SampleBronchoalveolar Lavage FluidCell FractionExpired AirExudateFasting SpecimenGastric ContentIsolateLochiaMeconiumNon-Fasting SpecimenPeritoneal FluidPleural FluidPooled SamplePusSectionSliceStoneTissue SampleTransudateUnstained SpecimenUrine CastsVomitus
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