CD200 wt Allele
Cancer Terms ->
Gene ->
Signaling Pathway Gene ->
CD200 Gene -> CD200 wt Allele
CD200 wt Allele Definition
Human CD200 wild-type allele is located within 3q12-q13 and is approximately 30 kb in length. This allele, which encodes OX-2 membrane glycoprotein, may be involved in the modulation of both myeloid cell proliferation and macrophage activity. Genetic variation may be associated with the relapse of acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
CD200 wt Allele Synonyms
CD200 wt Allele, Antigen Identified By Monoclonal Antibody MRC OX-2 Gene, CD200 Antigen Gene, CD200 Molecule wt Allele, MOX1, MOX2, MRC, OX-2
Terms in CD200 wt Allele category
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