Cancer Terms

CD36 wt Allele

Cancer Terms -> Gene -> Ligand Binding Protein Gene -> Receptor Gene -> CD36 Gene -> CD36 wt Allele

CD36 wt Allele Definition

Human CD36 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 7q11.2 and is approximately 28 kb in length. This allele, which encodes platelet glycoprotein 4 protein, plays a role in the regulation of fatty acid transport, platelet function and cellular adhesion. Mutations in this gene are known to be causative for platelet glycoprotein deficiency.

CD36 wt Allele Synonyms

CD36 wt Allele, CD36 Antigen (Collagen Type I Receptor, Thrombospondin Receptor) wt Allele, FAT, GP3B, GP4, GPIV, SCARB3

Terms in CD36 wt Allele category

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