Cancer Terms

CD4 CD25 Regulatory T Cells

Cancer Terms -> Drugs and Chemicals -> Pharmacologic Substance -> Biological Agent -> Allogeneic Lymphocytes -> CD4 CD25 Regulatory T Cells

CD4 CD25 Regulatory T Cells Definition

Regulatory T cells that express CD4 and CD25 (interleukin 2 receptor) antigens, with immunomodulating activity. CD4+CD25+ T regulatory cells (Tregs), a subset of CD4+ T cells expressing high levels of CD25 and the transcription factor Foxp3, are essential in maintaining immunologic homeostasis, preventing autoimmunity by suppressing self-reactive T cells; CD4+CD25+ Tregs may induce tolerance to allogeneic organ transplants such as hematopoetic stem cell transplants (HSCTs).

CD4 CD25 Regulatory T Cells Synonyms

CD4+ CD25+ Regulatory T Cells

Terms in CD4 CD25 Regulatory T Cells category

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