Cancer Terms

CDH13 wt Allele

Cancer Terms -> Gene -> Ligand Binding Protein Gene -> Cell Adhesion Molecule Gene -> CDH13 Gene -> CDH13 wt Allele

CDH13 wt Allele Definition

Human CDH13 wild-type allele is located within 16q24.2-q24.3 and is approximately 1170 kb in length. This allele, which encodes cadherin-13 protein, may be involved in both the mediation of cell-cell interactions in the heart and the inhibition of neuronal cell growth. Hypermethylation or deletion of one or both copies of the gene is associated with many types of cancers.

CDH13 wt Allele Synonyms

CDH13 wt Allele, CDHH, Cadherin 13, H-Cadherin (Heart) wt Allele

Terms in CDH13 wt Allele category

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