Cancer Terms

Chlorzoxazone Acetaminophen

Cancer Terms -> Drugs and Chemicals -> Pharmacologic Substance -> Combination Medication -> Muscle Relaxant Preparation -> Chlorzoxazone Acetaminophen

Chlorzoxazone Acetaminophen Definition

Chlorzoxazone Acetaminophen is a combination of muscle relaxant (Chlorzoxazone) and anti-inflammatory analgesic (Acetaminophen) indicated in acute painful musculoskeletal diseases. The active principal metabolite of phenacetin, Acetaminophen appears to inhibit prostaglandin biosynthesis in the central nervous system and less in peripheral tissues. With mild sedative properties, centrally acting Chlorzoxazone inhibits muscle spasm at the spinal cord and subcortical levels of the brain. (NCI04)

Chlorzoxazone Acetaminophen Synonyms

Chlorzoxazone/Acetaminophen, Parafon Forte

Terms in Chlorzoxazone Acetaminophen category

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