Cancer Terms

Cytokine Activation

Cancer Terms -> Biological Process -> Subcellular Process -> Biochemical Process -> Immunologic Factor Activation -> Cytokine Activation

Cytokine Activation Definition

Through decreased degradation, or increased production or receptor binding, Cytokine Activation involves induction of the activity of a class of soluble non-antibody paracrine or autocrine signaling glycoproteins (cytokines) secreted by immune cells that regulate immune responses through high affinity binding with specific receptors. Cytokines act as intercellular mediators regulating immune and inflammatory responses. Activation enhances cell proliferation and differentiation, secretion of other biologically active molecules, and responses to immune and inflammatory stimuli.

Cytokine Activation Synonyms

Cytokine Activation

Terms in Cytokine Activation category

Colony Stimulating Factor Activation
Interferon Activation
Interleukin Activation
Tumor Necrosis Factor Activation

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