Cancer Terms


Cancer Terms -> Organisms -> Animal -> Vertebrate -> Mammal -> Rodent -> Muridae -> Mouse -> Mouse Strains -> Inbred Mouse -> DBA 1

DBA 1 Definition

Derived from crosses made by Little in 1929-1930 between DBA progenitors. The DBA/1 mouse has a q H2 haplotype and carries the Cdh23^ahl mutation that results in progressive hearing loss after 10 months of age. The DBA/1 and DBA/2 mice differ at loci Car2, Ce2, Hc, H2, If1, Lsh, Tla, and Qa3. The strain is commonly used as a model for rheumatoid arthritis as it mimics hallmarks of the human disease when immunized with type II collagen.

DBA 1 Synonyms

DBA/1 Mouse, DBA/1

Terms in DBA 1 category

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