Cancer Terms

DNA Binding Protein

Cancer Terms -> Gene Product -> Protein -> Protein Organized by Function -> Ligand Binding Protein -> DNA Binding Protein

DNA Binding Protein Definition

Proteins that non-covalently interact with deoxyribonucleic acid as a result of intermolecular physical forces and spatial complementarity. Many genetic regulatory DNA binding proteins bind to double- or single-stranded DNA in a sequence-specific manner and share common structural motifs such as the zinc-finger, helix-turn-helix, and leucine zipper.

DNA Binding Protein Synonyms

DNA Binding Protein

Terms in DNA Binding Protein category

BHLH Protein
Canonical HMG Protein
DEK Protein
FOS Family Protein
HRX Protein
JUN Family Protein
PUR Alpha Protein
Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Binding Protein
RBP2-Like Protein
SPO11 Homolog Protein
Sequence-Specific DNA Binding Protein
Telomeric-Repeat Binding Factor
WT1 Protein
Z-DNA Binding Protein
bZIP Protein

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