DNA Binding Protein
Cancer Terms ->
Gene Product ->
Protein ->
Protein Organized by Function ->
Ligand Binding Protein -> DNA Binding Protein
DNA Binding Protein Definition
Proteins that non-covalently interact with deoxyribonucleic acid as a result of intermolecular physical forces and spatial complementarity. Many genetic regulatory DNA binding proteins bind to double- or single-stranded DNA in a sequence-specific manner and share common structural motifs such as the zinc-finger, helix-turn-helix, and leucine zipper.
DNA Binding Protein Synonyms
DNA Binding Protein
Terms in DNA Binding Protein category
BHLH ProteinCanonical HMG ProteinDEK ProteinFOS Family ProteinHRX ProteinJUN Family ProteinPUR Alpha ProteinPeroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Binding ProteinRBP2-Like ProteinSPO11 Homolog ProteinSequence-Specific DNA Binding ProteinTelomeric-Repeat Binding FactorWT1 ProteinZ-DNA Binding ProteinbZIP Protein
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