DNA Excision Repair Protein-ERCC3
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Protein ->
Protein Organized by Function ->
DNA Repair Protein -> DNA Excision Repair Protein-ERCC3
DNA Excision Repair Protein-ERCC3 Definition
DNA Excision Repair Protein ERCC-3, encoded by the ERCC3 gene, is an ATP-dependent DNA helicase that functions in nucleotide excision repair and complements xeroderma pigmentosum group B mutations. This protein is also the 89 kDa subunit of basal transcription factor 2 (TFIIH) and thus functions in class II transcription. (from LocusLink 2071 and NCI)
DNA Excision Repair Protein-ERCC3 Synonyms
DNA Excision Repair Protein ERCC-3, BTF2-p89, Basic Transcription Factor 2 89 kDa Subunit, DNA-Repair Protein Complementing XP-B Cells, EC 3.6.1.-, ERCC3, Excision Repair Cross-Complementing Rodent Repair Deficiency, Complementation Group 3 (Xeroderma Pigmentosum Group B Complementing), TFIIH 89 kDa Subunit, TFIIH Basal Transcription Factor Complex Helicase XPB Subunit, Xeroderma Pigmentosum Group B Complementing Protein
Terms in DNA Excision Repair Protein-ERCC3 category
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