DNA-Directed RNA Polymerase
Cancer Terms ->
Gene Product ->
Protein ->
Protein Organized by Function ->
Enzyme ->
Transferase ->
Phosphotransferase ->
Nucleotidyltransferase ->
Polymerase ->
RNA Polymerase -> DNA-Directed RNA Polymerase
DNA-Directed RNA Polymerase Definition
Enzymes that catalyze the template-directed stepwise addition of ribonucleotides to the 3' end of a growing RNA chain using a single-stranded DNA template. The reaction is important in the flow of information from DNA to proteins. Three different forms of the polymerase have been identified and characterized.
DNA-Directed RNA Polymerase Synonyms
DNA-directed RNA Polymerase, DNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase, EC
Terms in DNA-Directed RNA Polymerase category
DNA-Directed RNA Polymerase-II Polypeptide-A
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