Cancer Terms


Cancer Terms -> Drugs and Chemicals -> Pharmacologic Substance -> Protective Agent -> Chelating Agent -> Dimercaprol

Dimercaprol Definition

A metal chelating agent that is used as an antidote in arsenic, gold, lead, mercury and other heavy metal poisoning. Metals form ligands in the body with the sulfhydryl groups of the pyruvate-oxidase enzyme system. This leads to an inhibition of the normal functioning of these enzymes that are dependent on free sulfhydryl groups for their activity. Dimercaprol reverses the enzyme inhibition by chelating the metal and regenerates free sulfhydryl groups, thereby preventing and reversing the metals toxic effects.

Dimercaprol Synonyms

Dimercaprol, 1,2-Dithioglycerol, 2,3-Dimercapto-1-propanol, BAL in Oil, DIMERCAPROL

Terms in Dimercaprol category

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