Drugs and Chemicals
Cancer Terms -> Drugs and Chemicals
Drugs and Chemicals Definition
A category of organic or inorganic substances, elements, and isotopes used in research or for the prevention, diagnosis, and /or treatment of disease states. Includes biologically active substances that are either synthetically manufactured or endogenous substances extracted and processed to be reintroduced into an organism. Chemicals and drugs also include hazardous substances, and naturally occurring or synthetically produced substances required to maintain life. (NCI04)
Drugs and Chemicals Synonyms
Drug, Food, Chemical or Biomedical Material
Terms in Drugs and Chemicals category
AgonistAnalogBiomaterialsChemical ModifierDrugs and Chemicals Structural ClassificationFood and Food ProductIndustrial AidIndustrial WasteNatural ProductNutritional SupplementPharmacologic SubstancePhysiology-Regulatory Factor
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