Cancer Terms

Duct Salivary Gland System

Cancer Terms -> Anatomic Structure System or Substance -> Tissue -> Salivary Gland Tissue -> Duct Salivary Gland System

Duct Salivary Gland System Definition

The portion of the salivary system that conveys the saliva produced in the acinar salivary gland system to the oral cavity. The duct salivary gland system includes the ductus parotideus, ductus submandibularis, ductus sublingualis major, and ductus sublinguales minores, as well as the ducts from the minor salivary glands.

Duct Salivary Gland System Synonyms

Duct Salivary Gland System

Terms in Duct Salivary Gland System category

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