Endothelial-Specific Integrin-Survival Signaling Inhibitor
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Endothelial-Specific Integrin-Survival Signaling Inhibitor Definition
A class of angiogenesis inhibitors that act by blocking the action of endothelial integrins. An endothelial-specific integrin/survival signaling inhibitor binds to and blocks the activity of endothelial-specific integrins, thereby inhibiting endothelial cell-cell interactions, endothelial cell-matrix interactions, and angiogenesis. (NCI04)
Endothelial-Specific Integrin-Survival Signaling Inhibitor Synonyms
Endothelial-Specific Integrin/Survival Signaling Inhibitor
Terms in Endothelial-Specific Integrin-Survival Signaling Inhibitor category
Alpha V Beta InhibitorCilengitideE7820
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