F344 Rat Strain
Cancer Terms ->
Organisms ->
Animal ->
Vertebrate ->
Mammal ->
Rodent ->
Muridae ->
Rat ->
Common Rattus Norvegicus Strains -> F344 Rat Strain
F344 Rat Strain Definition
Most animals older than 2 years exhibit small local areas of nephritis; less than 25% show severe nephritis (Snell 1967). Tumors: Mammary tumors 41% in females and 23% in males, pituitary adenomas 36% in females and 24% in males, testicular interstitial cell tumors 85% in males. Other tumor types less common (Sass et al 1975). Thyroid carcinoma 22% (Lindsey et al 1968). Interstitial cell testicular tumors 65%, mononuclear cell leukemia 24%, subcutaneous fibroadenoma 9% in females. Both sexes have a 5% incidence of nodular hyperplasia of the liver.
F344 Rat Strain Synonyms
F344, Rat Strain, F344, Fisher 344
Terms in F344 Rat Strain category
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