FH Rat Strain
Cancer Terms ->
Organisms ->
Animal ->
Vertebrate ->
Mammal ->
Rodent ->
Muridae ->
Rat ->
Common Rattus Norvegicus Strains -> FH Rat Strain
FH Rat Strain Definition
It has been suggested that FH rats represent a genetic model of depression They have altered serotonergic function (Aulka et al, 1994a), they exhibit differential responses to serotonin agonists and antagonists compared with other strains (Meehan and Schechter, 1994), and long-term treatment with imipramine, clomipramine and clorgyline produced significant decreases in plasma corticosterone levels, supporting this suggestion (Aulka et al, 1993).
FH Rat Strain Synonyms
FH, Rat Strain
Terms in FH Rat Strain category
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