Cancer Terms


Cancer Terms -> Organisms -> Animal -> Vertebrate -> Mammal -> Rodent -> Muridae -> Mouse -> Mouse Strains -> Inbred Mouse -> FVB N

FVB N Definition

NIH general purpose Swiss mice were selected for resistance or sensitivity to histamine challenge following pertussis vaccination. The sensitive strain, HFSF/N, was subsequently found to have the Fv1b allele, which sensitizes the mice to B strain Friend Leukemia virus. The FVB/N strain has an albino coat with genotype A,B,c,D,P, and has a vigorous reproductive performance. This strain is commonly used in the generation of transgenic mice due to the fact that the pronuclei of FVB/N fertilized oocytes are prominent, which allows for ease of microinjection.

FVB N Synonyms

FVB/N Mouse, FVB/N

Terms in FVB N category

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