Cancer Terms

Fluphenazine Hydrochloride

Cancer Terms -> Drugs and Chemicals -> Pharmacologic Substance -> Agent Affecting Nervous System -> Antipsychotic Agent -> Fluphenazine Hydrochloride

Fluphenazine Hydrochloride Definition

The hydrochloride salt of fluphenazine, a phenothiazine with antipsychotic activity and potential antineoplastic activity. Fluphenazine blocks postsynaptic dopamine D2 receptors in the limbic system, cortical system and basal ganglia, resulting in a reduction of schizophrenia-associated hallucinations and delusions. In addition, as a serotonin antagonist, this agent may inhibit lymphocyte and myeloma cell proliferation by blocking 5-hydroxytrptamine type 1B (5-HT type 1B) receptors for serotonin.

Fluphenazine Hydrochloride Synonyms

Fluphenazine Hydrochloride, FLUPHENAZINE HYDROCHLORIDE, Permitil, Prolixin

Terms in Fluphenazine Hydrochloride category

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