Huang Lian
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Antineoplastic Plant Product -> Huang Lian
Huang Lian Definition
A Chinese herb of a desiccated root from the plant Coptis chinensis. Although the mechanism of action remains to be fully elucidated, Huang Lian has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiprotozoal activities. In addition, this herb exhibits antioxidant property that influences positively on lipid metabolism, cause dilation of blood vessels, and may slow the growth of tumor cells. This herb contains rich amount of phytogens, such as berberine, palmatine, jatrorrhizine, columbamine, geniposide, and anti-HIV compound baicalin, which might explain the broad effects of this herb. Huang Lian is commonly used to treat diarrhea or dysentery in Chinese medicine.
Huang Lian Synonyms
Huang Lian, Rhizoma Coptidis
Terms in Huang Lian category
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