Cancer Terms

Imaging Phantoms

Cancer Terms -> Diagnostic Therapeutic and Research Equipment -> Device -> Imaging Device -> Imaging Phantoms

Imaging Phantoms Definition

Imaging Phantoms are used for the assessment of image quality. Within these functional categories phantoms can be further defined. (1) Body Phantoms: have the shape and composition of the human body or part of it. They are also referred to as anthropomorphic phantoms. (2) Phantoms that are used for standardization and inter-comparison of various radiation conditions are often referred to as Standards. (3) Reference Phantoms include phantoms used to derive radiation dose calculations, mineral density equivalences or other similar type measurements. They can further be defined by their intended modality such as Ultrasound, Mammography, Computed Tomography (CT), etc.

Imaging Phantoms Synonyms

Imaging Phantoms, Phantoms

Terms in Imaging Phantoms category

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