Cancer Terms

Immune Response

Cancer Terms -> Biological Process -> Multicellular Process -> Host Defense Mechanism -> Immune Function -> Immune Response

Immune Response Definition

1. any response of the immune system to an antigen including antibody production and/or cell-mediated immunity; 2. the response of the immune system to an antigen (immunogen) that leads to the condition of induced sensitivity; the immune response to the initial antigenic exposure (primary immune response) is detectable, as a rule, only after a lag period of from several days to two weeks; the immune response to a subsequent stimulus (secondary immune response) by the same antigen is more rapid than in the case of the primary immune response.

Immune Response Synonyms

Immune Response, immune response

Terms in Immune Response category

Antibacterial Response
Antigen Sensitization
Antitumor Response
Antiviral Response
Cell-Mediated Cytolysis
Epitope Spreading
Graft-vs-Leukemia Effect
Host-Tumor Interaction

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