Innate Immunostimulator rBBX-01
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Biological Response Modifier -> Innate Immunostimulator rBBX-01
Innate Immunostimulator rBBX-01 Definition
A recombinant 19 kDa protein derived from the Apicomplexa protozoan Eimeria with potential immunostimulating and antitumor activities. Upon administration, innate immunostimulator rBBX-01 activates dendritic cells (DCs), stimulates the Toll-like receptor 11 (TLR-11)-mediated release of interleukin-12 (Il-12) from DCs, and induces a T-helper 1 (Th1) type immune response, which may induce an immune response against tumor cells. Infection with Eimeria, a coccidian commonly infecting the intestine, may be negatively correlated with tumorigenesis.
Innate Immunostimulator rBBX-01 Synonyms
Innate Immunostimulator rBBX-01, rBBX-01
Terms in Innate Immunostimulator rBBX-01 category
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