Cancer Terms

Lead Placement Pseudo Orthogonal XYZ

Cancer Terms -> Conceptual Entities -> EKG Concept -> Lead Placement -> Lead Placement Pseudo Orthogonal XYZ

Lead Placement Pseudo Orthogonal XYZ Definition

An electrocardiogram (ECG) lead placement that allows monitoring and recording of cardiac electrical activity. A V1-type lead is used whose positive electrode is localized in the 4th intercostal space, 2.5cm from the sternum. Its negative electrode is placed below the left clavicle. An addition of lead V5 and aVF can be made to facilitate interpretation.

Lead Placement Pseudo Orthogonal XYZ Synonyms

Lead Placement Pseudo Orthogonal XYZ, PSEUDO-ORTHOGONAL XYZ LEAD SYSTEM, Pseudo-orthogonal XYZ lead system

Terms in Lead Placement Pseudo Orthogonal XYZ category

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