Cancer Terms

M87o-Transduced CD34 Plus Peripheral Blood Stem Cells

Cancer Terms -> Drugs and Chemicals -> Pharmacologic Substance -> Biological Agent -> Autologous Lymphocytes -> M87o-Transduced CD34 Plus Peripheral Blood Stem Cells

M87o-Transduced CD34 Plus Peripheral Blood Stem Cells Definition

Peripheral blood stem cells (PBSCs) transduced with the retroviral vector M87o encoding for the HIV-1-entry inhibitor peptide membrane-anchored antiviral peptide C46 (maC46). Expression of C46 by M87o-transduced CD34+ peripheral blood stem cells may prevent the fusion of viral and cellular membranes, thereby inhibiting HIV-1 entry. C46 is a membrane-anchored peptide encoding amino acids 628 to 673 of the HIV-1 entry inhibitory transmembrane glycoprotein gp41.

M87o-Transduced CD34 Plus Peripheral Blood Stem Cells Synonyms

M87o-Transduced CD34+ Peripheral Blood Stem Cells, M87o-Transduced CD34+ PBSC, Therapeutic Gamma-Retroviral Vector M87o-Transduced CD34+ Peripheral Blood Stem Cells

Terms in M87o-Transduced CD34 Plus Peripheral Blood Stem Cells category

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