Cancer Terms

Milrinone Lactate

Cancer Terms -> Drugs and Chemicals -> Pharmacologic Substance -> Enzyme Inhibitor -> Phosphodiesterase Inhibitor -> Milrinone Lactate

Milrinone Lactate Definition

A bipyridine agent with positive inotropic and vasodilator properties. Milrinone lactate selectively inhibits fraction III cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) phosphodiesterase isozymes in the heart and vascular muscles, thereby increasing cAMP and, consequently, an increase in cAMP-dependent intracellular ionized calcium and myocardium contractile force, and vasodilation in arteriolar and venous vascular smooth muscle. This agent improves hemodynamics in patients with ventricular dysfunction by increasing the stroke volume index and left ventricular contractility and by producing pulmonary vasodilation. (NCI04)

Milrinone Lactate Synonyms

Milrinone Lactate, MILRINONE LACTATE, Primacor

Terms in Milrinone Lactate category

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