Cancer Terms

Mitotic Kinesin Modulator

Cancer Terms -> Drugs and Chemicals -> Pharmacologic Substance -> Antineoplastic Agent -> Antimitotic Agent -> Mitotic Kinesin Modulator

Mitotic Kinesin Modulator Definition

A class of compounds that modulate the activity of mitotic kinesins. Mitotic kinesins or microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) are ATP-powered proteins that convert energy into a mechanical force along the microtubule structure following the hydrolysis of ATP, which occurs during microtubule polymerization. Mitotic kinesins play an essential role in regulating the formation of the mitotic spindle as well as regulating their function. Agents that modulate the activity of kinesins, specifically those that produce inhibitory effects, interfere with mitotic spindle assembly, organization and eventually, chromosome alignment and segregation, thereby inducing mitotic arrest.

Mitotic Kinesin Modulator Synonyms

Mitotic Kinesin Modulator

Terms in Mitotic Kinesin Modulator category

Eg5 Kinesin-Related Motor Protein Inhibitor ARQ 621
Ispinesib Mesylate
KSP Inhibitor ARRY-520

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