NLGN4X wt Allele
Cancer Terms ->
Gene ->
Ligand Binding Protein Gene ->
Cell Adhesion Molecule Gene ->
NLGN4X Gene -> NLGN4X wt Allele
NLGN4X wt Allele Definition
Human NLGN4X wild-type allele is located within Xp22.32-p22.31 and is approximately 339 kb in length. This allele, which encodes neuroligin 4, X-linked protein, may be involved in the mediation of synapse function. Mutations in the gene are associated with X-linked autism and Asperger's syndrome.
NLGN4X wt Allele Synonyms
NLGN4X wt Allele, ASPGX2, AUTSX2, HLNX, HNLX, KIAA1260, MGC22376, NLGN, NLGN4, Neuroligin 4, X-Linked wt Allele
Terms in NLGN4X wt Allele category
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