Nuclear Receptor Gene
Cancer Terms ->
Gene ->
Ligand Binding Protein Gene ->
Receptor Gene -> Nuclear Receptor Gene
Nuclear Receptor Gene Definition
Nuclear Receptor Genes (NR Superfamily) encode over 300 ligand-dependent Nuclear Receptor (NRs) transcription factors: steroid, retinoid, vitamin D, TH, and orphan receptors (unknown ligands). Transducing hormone signals into gene transcription, NRs regulate development, pattern formation, cell proliferation, cell differentiation, and homeostasis in target tissues. NRs share a common organization: an (N) modulatory domain, a conserved central Cys-rich region of two C4 zinc fingers that bind to specific upstream ligand-responsive target DNA elements, and a (C) ligand-binding domain. Stabilizing hydrophobic zinc finger interactions contribute to DNA binding specificity, homodimerization, and interaction with other proteins. Ligand-bound NR conformation allows coactivator interaction with the hormone-binding domain that mediates interaction with heat shock proteins, cyclophilins, and hormone. (NCI)
Nuclear Receptor Gene Synonyms
Nuclear Receptor Gene
Terms in Nuclear Receptor Gene category
AR GeneESR1 GeneESR2 GeneNR0B1 GeneNR2F2 GeneNR2F6 GeneNR3C1 GeneNR3C2 GeneNR5A1 GeneOrphan Nuclear Receptor GenePGR GenePPARG GeneRARA GeneRARB GeneRARG GeneRXRA GeneRXRB GeneRXRG Gene
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