Cancer Terms

Phentermine Hydrochloride

Cancer Terms -> Drugs and Chemicals -> Pharmacologic Substance -> Agent Affecting Nervous System -> Anorexiant -> Phentermine Hydrochloride

Phentermine Hydrochloride Definition

The hydrochloride salt form of phentermine, a sympathomimetic amine with central nervous system (CNS) stimulant and appetite depressant properties. Phentermine hydrochloride stimulates the release of norepinephrine and dopamine from nerve endings and blocks the reuptake of these monoamines at the neuronal junctions, resulting in CNS stimulation and metabolic effects, including appetite-suppression, decreased gastric acid secretion and increased blood pressure.

Phentermine Hydrochloride Synonyms

Phentermine Hydrochloride, PHENTERMINE HYDROCHLORIDE, Phentermine HCl

Terms in Phentermine Hydrochloride category

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