Platelet Activating Factor Activation
Cancer Terms ->
Biological Process ->
Subcellular Process ->
Biochemical Process ->
Immunologic Factor Activation -> Platelet Activating Factor Activation
Platelet Activating Factor Activation Definition
By decreased degradation, or increased production or receptor binding, Platelet Activating Factor Activation involves induction of the activity of a phospholipid derivative (platelet activating factor) formed by platelets, basophils, neutrophils, monocytes, and macrophages that acts as a potent agent of platelet aggregation, inflammation, neutrophil activity, prostaglandin synthesis, and systemic anaphylaxis: hypotension, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, and bronchoconstriction.
Platelet Activating Factor Activation Synonyms
Platelet Activating Factor Activation
Terms in Platelet Activating Factor Activation category
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