Potassium Phosphate-Sodium Phosphate
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Electrolyte Replacement Preparation -> Potassium Phosphate-Sodium Phosphate
Potassium Phosphate-Sodium Phosphate Definition
A combination preparation containing potassium phosphate and sodium phosphate used for electrolyte-replacement purposes, dietary supplementation and to acidify urine. Phosphate, a predominant intracellular anion, plays an important role in energy storage, osteoblastic and osteoclastic activities, regulating serum calcium concentrations and numerous cellular phosphate-transfer reactions. Potassium phosphate and sodium phosphate are used to acidify the urine and lower the urinary calcium concentration. This may reduce rash and odor caused by ammonium in the urine.
Potassium Phosphate-Sodium Phosphate Synonyms
Potassium Phosphate/Sodium Phosphate, Neutra-Phos
Terms in Potassium Phosphate-Sodium Phosphate category
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