Pyrimidine Synthesis Inhibition
Cancer Terms ->
Biological Process ->
Subcellular Process ->
Biochemical Process ->
Metabolic Process ->
Intermediary Metabolism ->
Nucleotide Metabolism ->
Nucleotide Metabolism Alteration ->
Nucleotide Synthesis Alteration ->
Nucleotide Synthesis Inhibition -> Pyrimidine Synthesis Inhibition
Pyrimidine Synthesis Inhibition Definition
Pyrimidine Synthesis Inhibition involves interference with, or restraint of, the activities of biologic molecules or complexes involved in the enzymatic formation of pyrimidine nucleoside phosphates, monomeric building blocks from which DNA or RNA polymers are constructed that consist of a pyrimidine base, a pentose sugar, and a phosphate group.
Pyrimidine Synthesis Inhibition Synonyms
Pyrimidine Synthesis Inhibition
Terms in Pyrimidine Synthesis Inhibition category
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