Radiation Therapy
Cancer Terms ->
Activity ->
Clinical or Research Activity ->
Procedure ->
Therapeutic Procedure -> Radiation Therapy
Radiation Therapy Definition
Treatment of a disease by means of exposure of the target or the whole body to radiation. Radiation therapy is often used as part of curative therapy and occasionally as a component of palliative treatment for cancer. Other uses include total body irradiation prior to transplantation.
Radiation Therapy Synonyms
Radiation Therapy, Cancer Radiotherapy, Irradiation, RT, Radiation, Radiotherapeutics, Radiotherapy, Therapy, Radiation, irradiation, radiation therapy, radiotherapy
Terms in Radiation Therapy category
Adjuvant Radiation TherapyBoron Neutron Capture TherapyExtensive RadiationExternal Radiation TherapyFractionationHigh-LET Heavy Ion TherapyHigh-LET Neutron TherapyHigh-LET Pion TherapyHumidification-Modulated Radiation TherapyHyperfractionated Radiation TherapyHypofractionated Radiation TherapyInfrared Radiation TherapyInternal RadiationIrradiationIsotope TherapyLimited Radiation TherapyLow-LET Cobalt-60 Gamma Ray TherapyLow-LET Electron TherapyLow-LET Implant TherapyLow-LET Photon TherapyLow Dose RadiationNon-Ionizing Radiation DX or RXProton Beam Radiation TherapyRadioisotope TherapySelective External Radiation TherapyStereotactic Body RadiotherapyThree-Dimensional Conformal Radiation TherapyTomotherapy
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