Cancer Terms

Research Supplements to Promote the Recruitment of Individuals with Disabilities

Cancer Terms -> NCI Administrative Concepts -> Funding -> Institution Supplementation -> Research Supplements to Promote the Recruitment of Individuals with Disabilities

Research Supplements to Promote the Recruitment of Individuals with Disabilities Definition

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its awarding components have developed this initiative to extend opportunities to individuals with qualifying disabilities who are capable of entering or resuming research careers. Under this initiative, individuals with disabilities are encouraged to pursue biomedical research careers in areas within the mission of an NIH awarding component through supplemental awards to certain ongoing research grants. It is hoped that the plan to provide funding at several different stages in a research career will substantially increase the number of individuals with disabilities in biomedical research.

Research Supplements to Promote the Recruitment of Individuals with Disabilities Synonyms

Research Supplements to Promote the Recruitment of Individuals with Disabilities

Terms in Research Supplements to Promote the Recruitment of Individuals with Disabilities category

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