Sloan Kettering Virus
Cancer Terms ->
Organisms ->
Virus ->
Retro-transcribing Virus ->
Retroviridae ->
Alpharetrovirus -> Sloan Kettering Virus
Sloan Kettering Virus Definition
The Sloan-Kettering viruses (SKVs) are a group of transforming retroviruses that were isolated from chicken embryo cells which had been infected with the avian leukosis virus transformation-defective Bratislava 77 (tdB77). (from Li et al. J Virol 1986;57:1065-72)
Sloan Kettering Virus Synonyms
Sloan Kettering Virus, Avian erythroblastosis virus (strain Sloan-Kettering), SKVS
Terms in Sloan Kettering Virus category
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