Cancer Terms

T-Cell Receptor Gamma Locus

Cancer Terms -> Gene -> Immunoprotein Gene -> T-Cell Receptor Gene -> T-Cell Receptor Gamma Locus

T-Cell Receptor Gamma Locus Definition

This region represents the germline organization of the T cell receptor gamma locus. The gamma locus includes V (variable), J (joining), and C (constant) segments. During T cell development, the gamma chain is synthesized by a recombination event at the DNA level joining a V segment with a J segment. The C segment is later joined by splicing at the RNA level. Recombination of many different V segments with several J segments provides a wide range of antigen recognition. Additional diversity is attained by junctional diversity, resulting from the random additional of nucleotides by terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase. (from LocusLink)

T-Cell Receptor Gamma Locus Synonyms

T-Cell Receptor Gamma Locus, T-Cell Receptor Gamma Gene, TCRG, TRG

Terms in T-Cell Receptor Gamma Locus category

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