TFIIF Subunit Gene
Cancer Terms ->
Gene ->
Transcription Factor Gene ->
Basal Transcription Factor Gene -> TFIIF Subunit Gene
TFIIF Subunit Gene Definition
Human TFIIF Subunit Genes, GTF2F1 Gene and GTF2F2 Gene, encode similar alpha (517-aa, 58-kDa, phosphorylated) and beta (249-aa, 28-kDa) subunits of heterodimeric nuclear general transcription initiation factor TFIIF, which binds to and recruits RNA polymerase II to the initiation complex in collaboration with TFIIB. The beta subunit shows ATP-dependent DNA-helicase activity and the region that binds RNA polymerase exhibits similarities with prokaryotic sigma factors. (NCI)
TFIIF Subunit Gene Synonyms
TFIIF Subunit Gene
Terms in TFIIF Subunit Gene category
GTF2F1 GeneGTF2F2 Gene
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