TLR9 Agonist SD-101
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TLR9 Agonist SD-101 Definition
A proprietary oligonucleotide with immunostimulatory activity. Immunostimulatory phosphorothiolate oligodeoxyribonucleotide SD-101 targets Toll-Like Receptor 9 (TLR9) found on a specialized subset of dendritic cells. The interaction of TLR9 with SD-101, in conjunction with an allergen or antigen, induces activation of memory T helper cells 1 (Th1) against a specific pathogen or allergen, thereby leading to long-lasting therapeutic effects. Furthermore, this agent does not cause a generalized activation of the immune system.
TLR9 Agonist SD-101 Synonyms
TLR9 Agonist SD-101, ISS-ODN SD-101, SD-101
Terms in TLR9 Agonist SD-101 category
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