Therapeutic Gonadotropin
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Therapeutic Gonadotropin Definition
A class of formulated therapeutic analogs of the endogenous gonadotropin that stimulates or promotes the function of the gonads. Therapeutic gonadotropins are derived from animal or recombinant sources. Gonadotropins include follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone and chorionic gonadotropin. These agents stimulate discrete cellular components of the gonads, exerting effects in both males and females. (NCI04)
Therapeutic Gonadotropin Synonyms
Recombinant Gonadotropin, Gonadotropic Hormone, Gonadotropins
Terms in Therapeutic Gonadotropin category
Lutropin AlphaRecombinant Choriogonadotropin AlphaTherapeutic Follicle Stimulating HormoneTherapeutic Human Chorionic GonadotropinTherapeutic Human Menopausal GonadotropinTherapeutic Luteinizing Hormone
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