Therapeutic Growth Factor
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Therapeutic Growth Factor Definition
Formulated therapeutic proteins that are either isolated from endogenous sources or manufactured in a laboratory. Growth factors bind to specific receptors expressed by various cell types, thereby stimulating cell differentiation and/or proliferation. (NCI04)
Therapeutic Growth Factor Synonyms
Recombinant Growth Factor, Growth Agents
Terms in Therapeutic Growth Factor category
Recombinant AngiogeninTherapeutic Epidermal Growth FactorTherapeutic Fibroblast Growth FactorTherapeutic Hematopoietic Growth FactorTherapeutic Hepatocyte Growth FactorTherapeutic Insulin-Like Growth FactorTherapeutic Neurotrophic FactorTherapeutic Parathyroid Hormone-Related ProteinTherapeutic Platlet-Derived Growth FactorTherapeutic Transforming Growth Factor
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