Cancer Terms

Therapeutic Immune Globulin

Cancer Terms -> Drugs and Chemicals -> Pharmacologic Substance -> Biological Response Modifier -> Therapeutic Immune Globulin

Therapeutic Immune Globulin Definition

A preparation of plasma proteins derived from the pooled plasma of adult donors. Largely comprised of IgG antibodies, therapeutic immune globulin provides passive immunization by increasing the recipient's serum levels of circulating antibodies. IgG antibodies have multiple functions, including binding to and neutralizing bacterial toxins; opsonization of pathogens; activation of complement; and suppression of pathogenic cytokines and phagocytes through binding to CD5, interleukin-1a (IL-1a), interleukin 6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), and T-cell receptors. Therapeutic immune globulin may diminish pathogenic mechanisms in some autoimmune diseases by binding to and inhibiting the activity of autoantibodies. (NCI04)

Therapeutic Immune Globulin Synonyms

Therapeutic Immune Globulin, BayGam, Gamimune N, Gammagard S/D, Gammar-P, IgIV, Immune Globulin IV, Immune Globulin Intravenous, Iveegam EN, Panglobulin, Polygam S/D, Sandoglobulin, Therapeutic Immunoglobulin, Venoglobulin-I, Venoglobulin-S, WinRho SDF

Terms in Therapeutic Immune Globulin category

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