Cancer Terms

Therapeutic Insulin

Cancer Terms -> Drugs and Chemicals -> Pharmacologic Substance -> Therapeutic Hormone -> Therapeutic Insulin

Therapeutic Insulin Definition

A synthetically- or animal-derived form of insulin used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Therapeutic insulin is formulated to be short-, intermediate- and long-acting in order to individualize an insulin regimen according to individual differences in glucose and insulin metabolism. Long-acting insulins are administered to complement short-acting insulins administered at mealtimes. These agents may be derived from porcine, bovine or recombinant sources. Endogenous human insulin, a pancreatic hormone composed of two polypeptide chains, is important for the normal metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats; it has anabolic effects on many types of tissues.

Therapeutic Insulin Synonyms

Therapeutic Insulin, Insulin, Recombinant Insulin

Terms in Therapeutic Insulin category

Insulin 70 30
Insulin Aspart Recombinant
Insulin Detemir
Insulin Glargine Recombinant
Insulin Glulisine
Insulin Human
Insulin Pork
Lente Insulin
Lispo Insulin
NPH Insulin
Regular Insulin
Ultralente Insulin

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